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I plan to write about founding a startup, conscious leadership, sustainable traveling, overcoming childhood trauma and social entrepreneurship. Thereby, I hope to share with you my experience so that you can learn from my lessons learnt.

Recent Articles

Maria Theresa of Austria: Full-Blooded Politician, Devoted Wife and Mother-to-All

Maria Theresa of Austria: Full-Blooded Politician, Devoted Wife and Mother-to-All by Regine Neuhauser As an Austrian national and with a keen interest in conscious...

My 3 Role Models to Create Exponential Impact as Conscious Startup Founder

As founder of Fair Voyage, there are many people I’ve learnt and drawn advice from. When I’m thinking of the kind of ideal conscious...

5 reasons why the travel industry isn’t (yet) sustainable

As a conscious consumer, would you agree that the travel industry needs to become more sustainable? Do you believe that travel agencies and platforms...

Why we need independent sustainable travel audits – the personal story of Fair Voyage

The travel industry has a huge supply chain control problem, the same way that other industries such as food or fashion have. Nowadays, every...

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It by Chris Voss I had no expectations, but absolutely loved this book....

What is integrity?

Integrity is a core value of most organizations. While most of us may intuitively feel that someone is in or out of integrity, would...

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